How To Interview Your Family Lawyer

Posted on: 24 September 2020


When hiring a family lawyer, it is imperative that you conduct a short interview to determine whether the lawyer is the right fit. It is a sure way to avoid disappointments and misunderstandings after you hire the lawyer. Below are some questions to help you interview your family lawyer.

Do You Have The Required Licences?

Most people will forget to ask for the lawyer's licence. Working with an unlicensed professional could expose you to misrepresentation. Besides, the lawyer may not have insurance coverage. Check the local bar association to know whether the attorney has a record of quality services in the past. Alternatively, you could seek testimonials from previous clients to ascertain the attorney's service quality. 

Do You Understand The Situation? 

The lawyer should assess your situation and advise whether they can handle the matter. Some lawyers specialise in specific fields of family law. As such, they may refer you to another attorney if they feel that the issue is beyond their expertise. Experienced lawyers will inform you of the probability of success. For instance, it may be challenging to adopt a child if you have a questionable character or you do not have adequate funds to raise the child. On the other hand, you cannot divorce your spouse if you are not separated for more than one year. Such advice can help you avert loss of money, time and the emotional burden associated with most family law cases.

What Services Will You Provide? 

Your case will determine the services you will need from the family lawyer. For instance, when adopting a child from abroad, you may need your lawyer to conduct thorough background checks to know the religion, culture and beliefs of the child. The lawyer could also be required to travel abroad to meet with child adoption officials. During divorce cases, you may need the lawyer to appraise your property and investigate whether your spouse has hidden assets. Besides, the lawyer should represent you in property settlement and child support negotiations. People with a busy schedule could want a lawyer than provides online services.

What Are Your Terms? 

The lawyer's pricing is a significant concern for most people. Most family lawyers will have an hourly charge. However, they may have a fixed fee for people that require instant services such as drafting an agreement. Inquire when you should make your payments. Remember to check the terms of contract termination and the lawyer's dispute resolution strategy. 

When interviewing your family lawyer, ask about their licences, services and the terms of the contract. Besides, work with a professional that understands your situation.

For more information, reach out to a family lawyer in your area.