• Runaway Bride: Who Owns The Ring When You Say I Don't?

    It is natural to have nerves before your wedding day, but when the nerves turn to serious doubt and you decide to call off the wedding, there is a lot to be sorted in the aftermath. While your pretty engagement ring will no longer be worn, it may represent part of your joint property assets, and you need to know your legal rights about who now owns what in your relationship.
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  • Not-So-Minor Considerations that Will Matter during Divorce

    Divorce is a trying and emotional period for both partners dissolving the marriage as well as the family. This is why most people make a lot of costly mistakes at this time. Many times, these mistakes lead them to feel like they got a raw deal or were unprepared for their divorce. To avoid such a feeling, several minor considerations can be made. With the help of a family law expert, you should carefully do the following during your divorce preparation and case period.
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