Child Support Lawyer: When Do You Need One?

Posted on: 14 December 2019


All divorces are regrettable and unfortunate happenings. Moreover, they come at a high cost that leaves behind a trail of victims, including former love birds. Worse still, they can include more delicate victims if the divorced couples had young children together. In cases where children are caught in the crossfire between estranged parents, the need for getting legal help from a family lawyer arises. If you are divorced, and you can't agree on how you will support your underage children together, you don't need to suffer alone when a divorce lawyer can help you with the case. This post discusses circumstances that necessitate the help of a family lawyer. Keep reading to discover more.

You Fear for Your Children's Safety     

Your underage children's safety is critical. If you are in a situation where you fear for your kids' security, then you need a family lawyer to assist you with your child custody case. In such a case, it's also prudent to get a restraining order to minimize the possibility of repercussions. 

Your Divorced Spouse Denies You Access to Your Children

If your ex-spouse denies you access to your children, you need to get a divorce lawyer to assist you with your case. Unfortunately, some divorcees use innocent children as human shields in their marital crossfires. They resort to manipulation tactics where they use innocent children to settle scores with their ex-spouses. For example, some of them do it directly while others use dirty trick such as last-minute visit cancellation.

Your Ex Has Changed Geographical and Political Jurisdictions 

Has your ex changed their geographical or political jurisdictions while you still had a court case? If they have, then it will be difficult to represent yourself in court. Therefore, hiring a divorce lawyer is necessary to assist you with legal counsel and convenient representation, especially if they are abroad.

You Disagree on the Children's Welfare

Lastly, failing to disagree on the facts regarding your young children's welfare is enough reason to hire a family lawyer. For instance, if your spouse refuses to play their supportive role within their ability, it's prudent and beneficial to hire a divorce lawyer. Moreover, they can assist with mediation should you opt to take that path.

The facts are bare before you. Therefore, you have the ball in your court to seek necessary legal help from a family lawyer to help you with your child support case.